People were shuffling, pushing, shouting and rushing out of the vehicle, some were jumping through the window. Commotion pervaded that environment and the scene described above was what I saw when I was jolted into consciousness from my slumber. A co-passenger shouted pleadingly that I should get up and follow them to run for our…
Read MoreHe who is not aware of his past will not be able to appreciate today in order to connect with the future thus it becomes pertinent to take you through the amazing and exciting Muslim scientific heritage in all facets of our lives. A thousand years ago, the first universities emerged in the mosques where…
Read MoreThe eclectising English is being delivered eclectically. Eclectic is the best method for example, our English is divided into six which are: Comprehension: the word comprehension means understanding. Without reading comprehension, reading loses its main purpose to help us learn and acquire knowledge. Supporting your child’s reading comprehension is really a gift that keeps on…
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